Course Syllabus
Ms. Lea Keener, M.A.Ed
(540) 661-4300 extension 1241
Welcome to Psychology!
The purpose of this course is to investigate why human beings think and act the way they do. This is an introductory course and will broadly cover several areas. Students will be expected to expand and go further into the topics. Theories and current research will be presented for the student to critically evaluate and understand. Each Module will present the terminology, theories and research that are critical to the understanding of the topic.
Canvas will be in continued use for the access to all materials for the class. In this class all curriculum items for the investigation of Psychology will be contained where appropriate for the lesson for access by the student
Student objectives:
- Study the major concepts and theories of psychology
- Be able to define and use key terms of psychology
- Understand and be able to demonstrate research, and be able to interpret and evaluate the validity of the research.
- Develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the vast amount of “psychology” that is presented in everyday literature.
- Be able to apply psychological principles to their own lives
- Understand the many areas of psychology as both areas of study and possible career options
- Build on their reading, writing, evaluation and discussion skills
- Learn about the ethical standards that govern psychological research
Students are expected to take responsibility for their learning, for their behavior, and for their school work. You are to either be working from home 4 days a week and 1 day a week at school.
My goal is for every student to pass this class and have an enjoyable experience. In order to assure this, please understand the following expectations.
- Students should log onto Canvas everyday.
- When in class, students should remain seated unless given permission to be up.
- Students may eat or drink at their desk, but this is a NUT FREE. CLASSROOM. The privilege to eat in the classroom will be revoked if students do not clean up after themselves.
- Students should communicate with respect and always… BE POLITE... in person or on the internet
- Students should put effort into every activity and not belittle others for doing such.
- Students should communicate with the teacher if anything is happening, (I can only help / understand when I know)
Students are expected to take responsibility for their learning, for their behavior, and for their school work. Yet, the following rules apply to everyone everyday.
- Come to class prepared. This means that I expect you to bring assignments, notebook, and class supplies to school and to log on to Canvas daily.
- Act Professionally. This means arrive to class on time and actively participate in learning. It also means that you should be speaking positively, no horseplay (no horseplay, hitting, kicking, throwing, etc). Work hard!
- Follow directions. This means begin your work immediately and at a tone that allows yourself and others to work until the end of the class period. If you have a question on a direction, please ask politely.
- Take care of the classroom as it is our shared space. This means picking up any trash around you and using school / classroom items with care.
- No Cell phones or headphones are allowed during instruction. Headphones only are allowed for instructional purposes with permission from the teacher
- Students will only leave class with a signed pass. Bathroom passes are given out one at a time. Only one male and one female student may be out at the bathroom during any time. If students leave the room without a pass, are not where their pass is for, and/or are gone for an extended period of time without a reason that is pre-approved by the teacher, the student may receive a referral for skipping.
The Five C’s
According to the VDOE’s Profile of a Virginia Graduate, OCPS will prepare students in the “Five C’s.” Students are required to demonstrate competency on Critical thinking, Creative thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Citizenship. For further questions, please see .
Summative assessments will be given after each module. Projects and essays count as summative grades. Other graded work will include quizzes, homework and daily activities such as warmups. All grades will reflect student learning. Late assignments may lose ten points per day. The student may complete late / past work for up to a 65% until the end of the quarter. Missed assignments may be recorded as a zero immediately in PowerSchool; this is with the understanding that students have the ability to complete missing / late work. If a student is absent, they have 5 days to complete any missed work for full credit. I try to input grades on Friday afternoon. The final grade will be broken down as follows:
- Summative Tests, Essays, and Projects: 50%
- Quizzes and/or Formatives, Classwork, Homework and Daily Activities: 50%
Students cheating or allowing other to cheat off of their work will receive a zero for that work and will result in administrative intervention
Missing Assignment & Retest Policy
All grades will reflect student learning and all grades will be entered into PowerSchool weekly (if not daily). I believe learning happens when students receive immediate and direct feedback. I know that you work hard on assignments; thus, I will work hard to get you feedback on your assignments. If you are missing an assignment, this information will be listed in PowerSchool as “M.” Late assignments may lose ten points per day and a zero after five days (School Board Policy). All students are allowed to retest according to the OCPS retest policy that is outlined in School Board Policy
Remediation opportunities
I can help you before/after school based on your individual needs. Please do not forget that the OCHS Media Center is open after school for student use, and the Study Table will be available for student use after school (hours to be determined).
OCHS’s Tardy Policy
1st offense- Warning
2nd offense- Warning
3rd offense- Warning, Parent Contact and lunch detention
4th offense-Parent Contact and Referral to Administer
Materials Needed
- Headphones/earbuds for individual use
- Hand Sanitizer
(If any of these materials prove difficult to obtain, please speak to the teacher)
Movies, Movie Clips and TV MA
Through the course, students will watch movies, tv episodes and or clips that will be used to enhance students’ learning. Some of the movies or clips will be rated R. None of the clips will show sexual content. All clips will be used to give students a deeper understanding of the topics they are pertaining to or associated with. If your child does NOT have permission to watch any R rated or TV MA rated content, please email me or send in a note with your child.
Student Handbook Quick Reference Page - Changes for January, 2022
This chart is provided to highlight changes for the second semester; however, students are still expected to adhere to all expectations as outlined in the 2021-2022 OCHS Student Handbook.
Information Topic |
Summary |
For more info, please visit: |
Cell Phone Policy Tardies |
● The use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices are not permitted during the school day except before school (7:25 AM), after school (2:26 PM), between classes and during the student’s lunch period. ● The use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices are not permitted in restrooms, hallways during instructional blocks, and during performances/assemblies ● This includes headphones/earbuds and personal speakers ● Parents and guardians may contact the front office if they have an urgent matter and need to be in contact with their child. Students who need to contact a parent or guardian may do so in the main office 1st Block Tardies ● From 7:25-7:40, students should go to the tardy table to check in ● After 7:40, students should check in with the attendance clerk 2nd - 4th Block Tardies ● Students who are more than 10 minutes late are considered skipping ● Students arriving to class without a pass after the tardy bell will be assigned a tardy unexcused. |
Student Conduct Policies and Expectations, page 13 Attendance, page 9-10 |
Hall Passes |
● Students must sign in and out of class using the provided sheet ● Students must have a hall pass if they are out of class during instructional time |
Student Conduct Policies and Expectations, page 14 |
Dress Code |
Students should adhere to the OCPS Dress Code Policy. Please review these expectations. |
Student Conduct Policies and Expectations, page 14 |
Substance Abuse |
The use and/or possession of alcohol, tobacco (including electronic cigarettes and other inhalant devices), anabolic steroids, and other drugs is not permitted on school property. This includes school buses and school activities that are off school property. Violations will result in disciplinary action. |
Student Conduct Policies and Expectations, page 15 |
Masks |
All students should properly wear their masks throughout the school day. A properly worn mask should cover the student’s mouth and nose. The only time that mask should not be worn is when a student is eating or drinking which should occur only in the cafeteria or classroom. |
Student Conduct Policies and Expectations, page 14 |
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |